Do you wake up in the morning with pain in your teeth and gums? Do you have frequent headaches and facial pain that you cannot pinpoint a cause for occurring? This could be teeth grinding. This is a condition in which your upper and bottom teeth rub together. This often involves a good amount of force, which can lead to the development of oral problems.
At Lovett Dental Sugar Land, our specialty dentistry team is able to help you determine what is occurring and to fix it.
Consider the Causes of Teeth Grinding
A variety of factors can cause teeth grinding, or bruxism, to occur. In some cases, these are preventable. In others, they may not be anything you can control. You may not even realize what is causing it to occur. Here are a few of the most common causes.
Those who are facing a significant amount of anxiety may have a higher likelihood of developing teeth grinding. It can also occur if you have a lot of tension in your life. This is a type of habit that can occur as a result of the anxiety.
Some people develop grinding as a type of coping strategy for high-stress times. This is not done on purpose or consciously. Rather, the muscles that control the jaw movement tense up, creating the grinding motion.
It is also common for teeth grinding to occur when there is a misalignment of the teeth, especially those in the back. This can cause the teeth to rub against each other when talking or even when sleeping.
Those who have a sleep disorder, including sleep apnea, are also at a higher risk for developing this condition. In this condition, there are tissues in the back of the mouth that block the airway. You may grind your teeth to keep yourself capable of breathing.
What Is a Treatment Option?
Bruxism treatment is possible for many people. The first step is to address the underlying cause of the grinding if it is possible to do so. For example, if you have a significant amount of anxiety or stress, dealing with those concerns may help. Talk therapy, engaging in fun activities, or finding a way to relieve your stress may be helpful. Doctors may prescribe medications to treat intense anxiety, as well.
There are other bruxism treatment options related to the overall grinding process. For example, the use of a mouthguard can help to prevent the grinding from leading to damage to the teeth. This is a type of soft appliance placed in the mouth, much like a sports mouthguard does. It prevents the teeth from touching each other. Nightguards are used at night to prevent sleep grinding.
Finding Help for Your Oral Health Needs
To get the help you need to address your teeth grinding, turn to our team. We will provide you with a full consultation to determine what is happening and check for damage. We can then offer solutions for most people.
- Dental exams and x-rays pinpoint areas of damage or causes
- Periodontal disease treatment may help with gum-related causes
- Oral surgical procedures can help with sleep apnea concerns
- Custom nightguard creation can help to resolve pain
- Teeth cleaning procedures may help with cavity related pain
Finding the right solution for your needs is our goal. You can live without grinding pain.
Get the Dental Health Support You Need at Lovett Dental Sugar Land
If you have teeth grinding symptoms, do not wait to get help. When you do, you put your teeth at risk. You also create unnecessary pain and discomfort for you. We can help you. Contact Lovett Dental Sugar Land at 281-759-5900 to schedule an appointment for a consultation and exam.